University Faculties

Faculty of Psychology

Social Work

Urartu” University has 2 faculties which operate in the building located at 19 Koryun Street. The educational, methodological and research activities of the Faculty are headed by the Dean of the Faculty.

The dean of the faculty:

represents the faculty in relations with other departments of the university, national-international organizations;

ensures the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council, Faculty Council, Rectorate as well as Rector’s orders, Vice-Rectors’ orders, instructions;

provides recommendations to the Rector for transferring students from course to course, encouraging, awarding scholarships, disciplinary action, expulsion, reinstatement, academic leave, as well as about faculty-to-faculty student mobility;

organizes and supervises the educational process at the faculty;

attends the classes;

submits training schedules for approval and monitors their implementation;

organizes, supervises the conduct of intermediate and final examinations

implements processes related to the educational, methodological and research activities of the faculty.

The main structural unit of the faculty is the chair. It is the main subdivision of the organization of the educational process, and unites the lecturers of the subjects of the given specialty.


participates in the development and implementation of academic programs and educational plans;

carries out lectures, practical trainings, seminars, other classes envisaged by educational plans, conducts current exams, tests, participates in the final exams;

develops, approves the topics of term and diploma thesis, supervises their implementation by students;

manages the passage of students’ educational, production and pre-diploma internships;

Develops and approves the educational programs of all subjects taught in the chair and implements their teaching;

Develops teaching and methodological materials for all lessons;

Carries out scientific research and provides possible transferring the research results into practice;

prepares, edits and publishes training materials (textbooks, manuals, guides, other materials), scientific works;

Develops and implements the use of modern technical means in the teaching process;

organizes attendance of classes by colleagues and discusses their results;

Develops and implements the management of students’ research works;

organizes educational work among students;

Cooperates with the relevant departments of the universities of the Republic of Armenia and foreign universities in carrying out educational, methodological and research work.

The chair is headed by the head of the chair, who is elected by the Academic Council of the University for 5 years by secret ballot.