The rights and responsibilities of university students (postgraduate students) are enshrined in the RA Laws on Education and Higher Postgraduate Professional Education which specify the constitutional right of a citizen of the RA to receive education.

The definition of the rights and responsibilities of the students was also based on the requirements of the charter, the strategic plan of Urartu University main purpose of which is the development of a specialist, individual, citizen endowed with relevant knowledge, skills and abilities.

1. A university student (postgraduate student) has the right:

  1. To participate in the development of the content of his / her education (selection of training courses and specialization) observing the requirements of the state educational standards of higher professional education;
  2. At his / her discretion, according to his / her inclinations and needs to choose the profession, the form of training;
  3. To receive knowledge, abilities, skills corresponding to the modern level of science, technology, culture, needs of the international labor market, to attend lectures given at the university;
  4. To participate in the quality assurance functions and evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching staff;
  5. To master any other educational course, which is taught at the university according to the established order, besides the educational courses of the chosen profession;
  6. To do research, to interrupt and continue higher or postgraduate professional education at any educational level;
  7. To combine basic professional training with second professional (parallel) training and to receive a second qualification degree;
  8. To be involved in the work of the relevant governing bodies of the University in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, the charter of the University and other legal acts;
  9. To use the library of the university, laboratories, information archives, services of educational, scientific and other subdivisions, to participate in scientific research works, conferences, seminars, symposiums in accordance with the university charter and internal legal acts;
  10. To submit a proposal in the prescribed manner during the determination of the sequence of examinations and tests in the schedule of the examination period;
  11. According to his / her preferences, to participate in student research activities, seminars and conferences held at the University;
  12. To establish student public organizations, to unite in student councils, student scientific societies, other student organizations the order of formation and activity of which is defined by the charter of the university;
  13. According to the current legislation of the Republic of Armenia  and the university charter to receive a scholarship of defined amount (including nominal) assigned by legal or natural persons, a grant, a student loan, to enjoy the right to full or partial reimbursement of tuition fees;
  14. To get acquainted with the university charter and other normative documents;
  15. If necessary, to take academic leave in accordance with the established procedure for a period of up to one year;
  16. To be on leave at least twice during the given academic year for a total of at least seven weeks;
  17. If there is a dormitory and in case of need for living space, to get a suitable place in the dormitory in accordance with the procedure established by the university;
  18. To be transferred to another higher education institution, including higher education institutions of foreign countries, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
  19. To receive moral and (or) material incentive to participate in research activities and for high academic results.
  20. To participate in international student exchange programs in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
  21. To enjoy other rights defined by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, the charter of the University and other legal acts.

2. A former student who has interrupted his / her education at the University, regardless of the reason for the interruption, has the right to restore his / her student rights, except for the interruption of education in the first semester of the first year.

3. The university student (post-graduate student) is obliged to:

  1. To comply with the requirements of the RA legislation, university charter, internal disciplinary rules and other legal acts;
  2. To fulfil the requirements of the educational program, to attend the obligatory educational classes;
  3. To perform all the tasks envisaged by the educational plan;
  4. to pass all the tests and examinations within the terms envisaged by the educational plan;
  5. to possess the knowledge, abilities, skills necessary for a future highly qualified specialist;
  6. to pay the tuition fee on time;
  7. Take care of the university property. The student bears material responsibility for the damage caused to the property of the university in accordance with the current legislation.
  8. To uphold the honor and reputation of the university;
  9. observe the moral norms of the society;
  10. To be disciplined, to maintain cleanliness in the educational, training and other structures of the university;
  11. In case of not attending the classes for a good reason, inform the dean of the faculty, and on the first day of attending the university, submit data on the reasons for not participating in the classes;
  12. In case of illness, submit a relevant document to the Dean of the Faculty;
  13. In case of the lecturer’s absence for more than 10 minutes after the beginning of the lesson, the students are obliged to inform the dean’s office of the faculty through the course leader.

4․ Students who fail to comply with the obligations set out in the University Charter, internal legal acts, and show insufficient academic progress may be subject to disciplinary sanctions, up to expulsion from the University. It is not allowed to dismiss students during illness, vacation or academic leave.